Empowering the Future Workforce Through Partnership and Opportunity
Career Ready Allegheny is the fusion of Allegheny County’s leading experts in education, workforce development, labor market research, and equitable learning practices. We make it easier to access labor market information and realities, to connect your schools with local community organizations and leading employers in the area’s top industries, and to carry out career exploration activities that simultaneously inform students and build a strong and qualified workforce for the employers of Allegheny County.


Register and access work-based learning opportunities for your students.

Browse work-based learning opportunities and resources to get you future ready.
Why Career Ready Allegheny?
Allegheny County has seen the upheavals of economic decline in it’s past and has proven resilient in uncertainty. Labor market data proves that the area is now one of the fastest growing in the nation with a low unemployment rate and a strong workforce hub in several leading industries. Ensuring the continuance of this growth can begin by sourcing the labor workforce from area high schools and partnering with local businesses to build industry awareness among high school students. Engaging with Career Ready Allegheny lays the foundation for these steps.
Upcoming Events
Explore career-focused events hosted by local employers where you can connect with industry professionals, gain insights into various career paths, and discover opportunities for work-based learning.